Volunteer Spotlight
Vaughn Hunkins, 1925 – 2018
Advisory Council Member
Board of Directors Member Emeritus
Vaughn Hunkins was awarded the first Loveland SAINT Volunteer of the Year Award in 1995. In 2016, the last year Vaughn drove for SAINT, he received the Lifesaver Award. In 2017, he received the Heart of SAINT award.
In between, he was truly the heart of the Loveland SAINT program. He was a charter member of the program and was instrumental in guiding Loveland SAINT through its formative years. He served on the Loveland Advisory Council for ten years, six as chair. In 1997, he joined the SAINT Board of Directors where he served as treasurer until his passing in 2018.
In 22 years Vaughn gave over 4,000 rides to his Loveland neighbors – helping those who could not drive stay independent by getting them to the doctor and the grocery store, the senior center, and the hairdresser.
Vaughn’s enthusiasm for SAINT never wavered. That enthusiasm convinced many friends and acquaintances to become SAINT volunteers. It convinced many strangers too – because Vaughn always gave generously of his time to support SAINT at Corn Roast Festivals and Health Fairs. Everything that Vaughn did, was done with a smile and a charming sense of humor. It is no wonder that he was a favorite with SAINT clients, other board members, and the SAINT staff.
Vaughn’s community service was not limited to SAINT. He was an active member of the Loveland Golden K Kiwanis Club and treasurer of his church. He was a founder and board member of Loveland’s Community Kitchen. He volunteered with the United Way and Alternatives to Violence.
SAINT was privileged to call Vaughn a SAINT volunteer for over twenty years.
SAINT Board of Directors
The SAINT Board of Directors consists of community members with backgrounds and interests in transportation and senior issues. The board meets six times a year to review operations and financial results. The board acts as a committee of the whole in evaluating the executive director, establishing policy, and hiring an outside auditor.
President: Margaret Long
“I am a third-generation Coloradoan raised in Boulder at our family farm Longs Gardens.
I graduated from C.U. Boulder and later obtained an M.P.A. from C.U. Denver.
I worked for forty-four years in human services in six Colorado counties. I spent the last eight years of my career as the Program Manager for the Larimer County Office on Aging.
Throughout my career, I served on many boards and committees and have continued that in the last ten years since I retired. When I was asked to consider joining the SAINT Board of Directors I happily agreed as I had found SAINT to be one of the most cost-effective and impactful nonprofits I had worked with over the years.
It is my privilege to work with this great organization.”
Margaret joined the board of directors in 2011. Her current term expires in 2025.
Vice-president: Dan Gould
Dan has lived in Fort Collins for 45 years. He earned a professional veterinary medical degree at Colorado State University and a Ph.D. degree in pathology at the University of CA, Davis. He retired from CSU after teaching veterinary students and investigating animal disease outbreaks. Dan has been an advocate for expanded public transit services. He served on a number of City of Fort Collins advisory committees including the Transit Finance Committee, Transportation Board, Energy Board, Bicycle Advisory Committee, and City Plan. He has been a volunteer at the Food Bank for Larimer County. In addition to serving on the SAINT Board of Directors, Dan is a volunteer driver.
Dan joined the board of directors in 2012. His current term expires in 2026.
Treasurer: Sharon Courtney
Sharon joined the board of directors in 2020. She served as Foothills Gateway CFO until her retirement. She is a past chair of the Larimer County Office on Aging Advisory Council. Her current term expires in 2026.
Secretary: Scott Griffin
Scott joined the board of directors in 2018. His current term expires in 2024.
Member: Randy Frank
Randy is a Loveland volunteer driver for SAINT. A life-long resident of Loveland, Randy began driving for SAINT in 2018 to give back to the community. He joined the SAINT Board of Directors in 2021.
Member: Ron Kelton
Ron is a Loveland volunteer driver. Ron has been driving for SAINT since November 2022. Ron joined the board of directors in 2023. His current term expires in 2026.
Member: Mardy Wilson
Mardy is a Fort Collins rider. Mardy joined the board of directors in 2024. Her current term expires in 2027.
SAINT employs four paid staff members.
Our schedulers, one for Fort Collins and one for Loveland, are the link between our clients and our volunteers. They work tirelessly to organize the information needed to provide thousands of rides a month – taking calls from clients, sending schedules to drivers, balancing client needs with driver availability. Since there is no SAINT service without our volunteers, our Volunteer Coordinator is central to keeping SAINT on the road – recruiting, training, and thanking volunteers. Our Executive Director oversees operations and reaches out to the community for the financial support needed to make SAINT run.
Fort Collins Scheduler: Sue Lamb
Sue has been with SAINT since May 2010. Sue came to SAINT with thirteen years’ experience with the Fort Collins office of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Sue feels strongly about working in the nonprofit sector and understands the heartfelt dedication that is so important in helping those in need. She enjoys getting to know volunteers and clients and the camaraderie that develops among those working for a common purpose.
Loveland Scheduler: Sally Henry
Sally has been with SAINT since March 2017. When Sally came to SAINT she was looking for a “retirement” job after a long career as a healthcare educator and nonprofit executive. As a former nurse, Sally understands how important it is to keep seniors in their own homes to best serve the individuals and the community.
Volunteer Coordinator: Theresa Holbrook
Theresa has been with SAINT since April 2018. She has proven to be a wonderful asset to the SAINT team. She brought to SAINT a wealth of experience from the human services sector including time as a family support advocate with SummitStone Health Partners and in human resources with Poudre Valley Health System. Theresa is certified in mediation and family facilitation. She has traveled nationally and internationally with volunteer medical and educational programs.